Acts 29: Churches Planting Churches

Our mission is a costly one. Global church planting requires significant financial investment.

While church planters receive thorough training in theology and leadership, few feel confident to navigate the realm of fundraising. Instead of realizing the privilege of inviting others to give, we often approach fundraising feeling like awkward beggars.

But our love for Christ and enthusiasm for his church propels us to be generous and sacrificial. Our God is worthy, and our mission is urgent. And so, as good stewards of the gifts we’ve been entrusted, it’s our joy to give to his kingdom’s cause.

With me on the podcast to help us think about the financial aspects of our mission is Shaun Garman. Shaun is vice president of partnership development for Acts 29. He’s also one of the pastors of Arise Ventura in California. Shaun and his wife, Daisy, have seven children and four grandchildren.

Listen to this episode of Churches Planting Churches.


